Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 28 February 2024, 10:00am - Start video at 0:03:48 - Kent County Council Webcasting
Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 28th February 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Andy Booth
Agenda item :
1 Introduction/Webcast Announcement
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies and Substitutes
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Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this Meeting
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the meeting held on 24 January 2024
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this Meeting
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the meeting held on 24 January 2024
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Dr Lauren Sullivan
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
5 Minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2024 - to follow
Agenda item :
B - Any items called-in
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Agenda item :
C - Any items placed on the agenda by any Member of the Council for discussion
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Agenda item :
1 23/00121 - Kent and Medway Economic Framework
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- 23.00121 - Kent and Medway Economic Framework Covering Report
- 23-00121 - Record of Decision
- 23-00121 - Decision Report
- 23-00121 - Draft Economic Framework Ambitions and Action Areas
- 23-00121 - Draft Kent and Medway Economic Framework
- 23-00121 - Summary of Consultation on the First Draft Framework
- 23-00121 - EQIA
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Derek Murphy
Andy Booth
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Stephanie Holt-Castle
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Andy Booth
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Stephanie Holt-Castle
David Brazier
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Stephanie Holt-Castle
Steve Samson
Andy Booth
David Smith
Simon Webb
Derek Murphy
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Stephanie Holt-Castle
Trevor Bond
Stephanie Holt-Castle
David Smith
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Stephanie Holt-Castle
Steve Samson
Antony Hook
Steve Samson
Andy Booth
Derek Murphy
Antony Hook
Derek Murphy
Stephanie Holt-Castle
David Smith
Andy Booth
Lesley Game
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Simon Webb
Stephanie Holt-Castle
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Andy Booth
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Andy Booth
Stephanie Holt-Castle
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Steve Samson
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
1 23/00121 - Kent and Medway Economic Framework
Share this agenda point
- 23.00121 - Kent and Medway Economic Framework Covering Report
- 23-00121 - Record of Decision
- 23-00121 - Decision Report
- 23-00121 - Draft Economic Framework Ambitions and Action Areas
- 23-00121 - Draft Kent and Medway Economic Framework
- 23-00121 - Summary of Consultation on the First Draft Framework
- 23-00121 - EQIA
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
2 Making a Difference Every Day, KCC’s Strategy for Adult Social Care 2022 to 2027 - update
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Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Penny Cole
Andy Booth
Sydney Hill
Andy Booth
Sydney Hill
Richard Smith
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Andy Booth
Sydney Hill
Richard Smith
Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
David Brazier
Penny Cole
Richard Smith
Andy Booth
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Andy Booth
Sydney Hill
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Richard Smith
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Penny Cole
Sydney Hill
Penny Cole
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Dan Watkins
Penny Cole
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
3 Adult Social Care Contract Extensions
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- ASC Contracts Covering Report
- 2400002 - Decision Report
- 2400002 - Record of Decision
- 2400003 - Decision Report
- 2400003 - Record of Decision
- 2400004 - Decision Report
- 2400004 - Record of Decision
- 2400005 - Decision Report
- 2400005 - Record of Decision
- 2400006 - Decision Report
- 2400006 - Record of Decision
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Dan Watkins
Paul Barrington-King
Andy Booth
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Andy Booth
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Dan Watkins
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Richard Smith
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Antony Hook
Andy Booth
Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Dan Watkins
Richard Smith
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Dr Lauren Sullivan
Dan Watkins
Richard Smith
Andy Booth
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
4 Work Programme
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Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Webcast Finished
- Minutes Public Pack, 24/01/2024 Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Draft minutes, opens in new tab
- 23.00121 - Kent and Medway Economic Framework Covering Report, opens in new tab
- 23-00121 - Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- 23-00121 - Decision Report, opens in new tab
- 23-00121 - Draft Economic Framework Ambitions and Action Areas, opens in new tab
- 23-00121 - Draft Kent and Medway Economic Framework, opens in new tab
- 23-00121 - Summary of Consultation on the First Draft Framework, opens in new tab
- 23-00121 - EQIA, opens in new tab
- MADE Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Making a Difference Every Day Our Strategy for Adult Social Care 2022 to 2027, opens in new tab
- ASC Contracts Covering Report, opens in new tab
- 2400002 - Decision Report, opens in new tab
- 2400002 - Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- 2400003 - Decision Report, opens in new tab
- 2400003 - Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- 2400004 - Decision Report, opens in new tab
- 2400004 - Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- 2400005 - Decision Report, opens in new tab
- 2400005 - Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- 2400006 - Decision Report, opens in new tab
- 2400006 - Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- Work Programme - Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Work Programme - Feb 2024, opens in new tab





Liberal Democrat

