Kent Flood Risk and Water Management Committee - Wednesday 20 November 2024, 10:00am - Kent County Council Webcasting
Kent Flood Risk and Water Management Committee
Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Tony Hills
Agenda item :
1 Apologies
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Kay Goldsmith
Tony Hills
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes of the meeting on 16 July 2024
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Agenda item :
5 South East Water - Water Resources Management Plan
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Tony Hills
Derek Crow-Brown
Andrew Halliday
Tony Hills
Ms D Croxton
Mel Dawkins
Andrew Halliday
Mel Dawkins
Andrew Halliday
Jo Shippey
Mel Dawkins
Jo Shippey
Mel Dawkins
Jo Shippey
Tony Hills
Mel Dawkins
Tony Hills
Ms D Croxton
Jo Shippey
Andrew Halliday
Tony Hills
Andrew Halliday
Ms G Brown
Mr C Mackonoche
Andrew Halliday
Tony Hills
Charles Mackonochie
Andrew Halliday
Linda Wright
Andrew Halliday
Linda Wright
Tony Hills
Ms G Brown
Geraldine Brown
Mr C Mackonoche
Andrew Halliday
Geraldine Brown
Jo Shippey
Geraldine Brown
Mr C Mackonoche
Jo Shippey
Geraldine Brown
Andrew Halliday
Chris Cornell
Andrew Halliday
Linda Wright
Andrew Halliday
Chris Cornell
Andrew Halliday
Jo Shippey
Tony Hills
Agenda item :
6 Kent Flood Resilience
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Tony Hills
Geraldine Brown
Tony Hills
Geraldine Brown
Tony Hills
Tony Hills
Geraldine Brown
Tony Hills
Linda Wright
Tony Hills
Mel Dawkins
Mel Dawkins
Tony Hills
Mel Dawkins
Tony Hills
Ms G Brown
Tony Hills
Tony Hills
Mr C Mackonoche
Tony Hills
Agenda item :
7 Environment Agency and Met Office Alerts and Warnings and KCC severe weather response activity
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- Item 7 - Flood alerts and responses Q3
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 1
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 2
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 3
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 4
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 5
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 6
Tony Hills
Tony Hills
Webcast Finished
- Minutes , 16/07/2024 Kent Flood Risk and Water Management Committee, opens in new tab
- Item 7 - Flood alerts and responses Q3, opens in new tab
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 2, opens in new tab
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 3, opens in new tab
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 4, opens in new tab
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 5, opens in new tab
- KFRMC Flood alerts and responses Q3 Appendix 6, opens in new tab