Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee - Wednesday 15 January 2025, 2:00pm - Kent County Council Webcasting
Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee
Wednesday, 15th January 2025 at 2:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Introduction/Webcasting Announcement
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Lottie Parfitt
Lottie Parfitt
Agenda item :
2 Apologies and Substitutes
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the agenda
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Jackie Meade
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Lottie Parfitt
Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2024
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Agenda item :
5 Verbal Updates by Cabinet Member and Corporate Director
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Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Alister Brady
Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Smith
Lottie Parfitt
Agenda item :
6 Draft Revenue and Capital Budget and MTFP
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Agenda item :
7 24/00113 Carers' Support Services - Key Decision
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Agenda item :
8 24/00112 Adult Social Care Provider Fee Uplifts (2025/2026) - Key Decision
Agenda item :
6 Draft Revenue and Capital Budget and MTFP
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Peter Oakford
Lottie Parfitt
Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Dan Watkins
Dave Shipton
Lottie Parfitt
Alister Brady
Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Alister Brady
Richard Ellis
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Smith
Lottie Parfitt
Dave Shipton
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Smith
Lottie Parfitt
Alister Brady
Richard Smith
Lottie Parfitt
Agenda item :
7 24/00113 Carers' Support Services - Key Decision
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Simon Mitchell
Lottie Parfitt
Jackie Meade
Richard Ellis
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Ellis
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Richard Ellis
Alister Brady
Richard Ellis
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Ellis
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Ellis
Alister Brady
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Smith
Lottie Parfitt
Agenda item :
8 24/00112 Adult Social Care Provider Fee Uplifts (2025/2026) - Key Decision
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Richard Ellis
Lottie Parfitt
Alister Brady
Lottie Parfitt
Jenni Hawkins
Richard Ellis
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Richard Ellis
Lottie Parfitt
Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Dave Shipton
Lottie Parfitt
Agenda item :
9 24/00109 Transfer of the 18-25 section of the Strengthening Independence Service (SIS) from CYPE to ASC - Key Decision
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Mark Abiston
Mark Albiston
Lottie Parfitt
Mark Albiston
Lottie Parfitt
Dan Watkins
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Dan Watkins
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Richard Smith
Mark Albiston
Lottie Parfitt
Sarah Hamilton
Mark Albiston
Lottie Parfitt
Sarah Hamilton
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Lottie Parfitt
Sarah Hamilton
Lottie Parfitt
Dan Watkins
Mark Albiston
Richard Smith
Mark Albiston
Lottie Parfitt
Alister Brady
Mark Albiston
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Lottie Parfitt
Agenda item :
9 24/00109 Transfer of the 18-25 section of the Strengthening Independence Service (SIS) from CYPE to ASC - Key Decision
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Lottie Parfitt
Andrew Rabey
Agenda item :
10 Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report
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Lottie Parfitt
Jackie Meade
Andrew Rabey
Lottie Parfitt
Mark Albiston
Victoria Widden
Lottie Parfitt
Dan Watkins
Andrew Rabey
Jordan Meade
Lottie Parfitt
Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Dan Watkins
Lottie Parfitt
Jordan Meade
Lottie Parfitt
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Victoria Widden
Lottie Parfitt
Agenda item :
11 Work Programme
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- App A Capital Investment Summary, opens in new tab
- App B Capital Investment ASCH, opens in new tab
- App C Potential Capital Projects, opens in new tab
- App D High Level 25-28 Revenue Plan and Financing, opens in new tab
- App E Summary Revenue Plan for ASCH, opens in new tab
- App F Budget Risk Register 06-01-25, opens in new tab
- Draft Revenue Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan - FINAL, opens in new tab
- 24-00113 Carers Support Services, opens in new tab
- App 1 Carers EQIA, opens in new tab
- App A PROD Carers Support Services, opens in new tab
- Fee Uplifts for Adult Social Care Providers 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- App A PROD Fee Uplifts for Adult Social Care Providers 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- App 1 EQIA Fee Uplifts for Adult Social Care Providers 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Transfer of the 18-25 Strengthening Independence Service, opens in new tab
- App A PROD 18-25 Strengthening Independence Service Transfer, opens in new tab
- App B EQIA Proposed transfer of 18-25 year olds to ASCH from CYPE, opens in new tab
- App C DPIA Screening Tool outcome - Transitions, opens in new tab
- Transitions ASCH Cabinet Committee Report, opens in new tab
- Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee Report KMSAB Annual Report, opens in new tab
- App A KMSAB Annual Report 2023-2024 Summary report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A1. Data, opens in new tab
- Appendix A2. Strategic Partners' Highlights, opens in new tab
- Work Programme, opens in new tab
