Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee - Wednesday 27 November 2024, 10:00am - Kent County Council Webcasting
Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee
Wednesday, 27th November 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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David Brazier
David Brazier
Agenda item :
1 Introduction/Webcast announcement
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies and Substitutes
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies and Substitutes
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Kay Goldsmith
David Brazier
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2024
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Agenda item :
10 Work Programme
Agenda item :
5 Draft Revenue and Capital Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan
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Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Paul Stepto
Paul Bartlett
Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Mel Dawkins
Peter Oakford
Alister Brady
Peter Oakford
Alister Brady
Dave Shipton
Alister Brady
Dave Shipton
Harry Rayner
Roger Gough
Peter Oakford
Harry Rayner
David Brazier
Alister Brady
Dave Shipton
Alister Brady
David Brazier
Rich Lehmann
Peter Oakford
Dave Shipton
Rich Lehmann
Peter Oakford
Ben Watts
Rich Lehmann
Harry Rayner
Alister Brady
Dave Shipton
Alister Brady
Dave Shipton
David Brazier
Agenda item :
6 24/00088 - Disposal - Freehold disposal of land at the Long Field, Quaker Lane, Cranbrook, Kent
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Simon Dodd
Niral Patel
Rebecca Spore
Antony Hook
Rebecca Spore
David Brazier
Agenda item :
7 24/00090 - Formal Lease for Electricity Sub Station at the proposed replacement school site at Crete Hall Road, Northfleet, for Rosherville Church of England Primary School
Agenda item :
8 24/00091 - Formal Lease for an Electricity Sub Station at Teynham Parochial Church of England Primary School, near Sittingbourne
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David Brazier
Rebecca Spore
David Brazier
Agenda item :
9 24/00100 - Property Accommodation Strategy - Strategic Headquarters (SHQ)
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Peter Oakford
Alister Brady
Peter Oakford
Alister Brady
Rich Lehmann
Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Harry Rayner
David Brazier
Rebecca Spore
Alister Brady
Paul Bartlett
David Brazier
Trevor Bond
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Ben Watts
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
David Brazier
Peter Oakford
Rebecca Spore
David Brazier
Mel Dawkins
David Brazier
Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Harry Rayner
Antony Hook
David Brazier
Peter Oakford
Ben Watts
David Brazier
Agenda item :
Motion to exclude the press and public for exempt business
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Webcast Finished
- Minutes Public Pack, 10/09/2024 Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee, opens in new tab
- Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A, opens in new tab
- Appendix B, opens in new tab
- Appendix C, opens in new tab
- Appendix D, opens in new tab
- Appendix E, opens in new tab
- Appendix F, opens in new tab
- Appendix G, opens in new tab
- Appendix H, opens in new tab
- Decision Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix B, opens in new tab
- Appendix C, opens in new tab
- Appendix D, opens in new tab
- Decision Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix B, opens in new tab
- Appendix C, opens in new tab
- Decision Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix B, opens in new tab
- Appendix C, opens in new tab
- 24-00100 - Cab Comm Report - SHQ, opens in new tab
- 24-00100 - Appendix C - Proposed Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- 24-00100 - APPENDIX D - Sessions House Maidstone Marketing Brochure, opens in new tab
- 24-00100 - APPENDIX E - EQIA - SHQ disposal, opens in new tab
- 24-00100 - APPENDIX F- EQIA - SHQ Refurb, opens in new tab
- 2024-25 WORK PROGRAMME, opens in new tab



Liberal Democrat