Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee - Wednesday 5 March 2025, 10:00am - Kent County Council Webcasting
Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee
Wednesday, 5th March 2025 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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David Brazier
Agenda item :
1 Introduction/Webcast announcement
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Georgina Little
Agenda item :
2 Apologies and Substitutes
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David Brazier
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2025
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Agenda item :
5 Risk Management: Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive Departments
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Roger Gough
David Brazier
Mark Scrivener
David Brazier
Alister Brady
David Brazier
Mark Scrivener
David Brazier
Rebecca Spore
Roger Gough
Alister Brady
Mark Scrivener
David Brazier
Mel Dawkins
Mark Scrivener
David Brazier
Roger Gough
David Brazier
Mark Hood
Antony Hook
David Brazier
Antony Hook
David Brazier
Mark Scrivener
Lisa Gannon
David Brazier
Agenda item :
6 Contract Management Review Group update
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Peter Oakford
Harry Rayner
Clare Maynard
David Brazier
Trevor Bond
David Brazier
Agenda item :
7 Commercial and Procurement Performance Report - Quarters 2 and 3, 2024 / 2025
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Roger Gough
David Brazier
Clare Maynard
David Brazier
Clare Maynard
David Brazier
Paul Stepto
Clare Maynard
Paul Stepto
Trevor Bond
Clare Maynard
David Brazier
Trevor Bond
Alison Peters
Clare Maynard
Trevor Bond
Clare Maynard
Alister Brady
David Brazier
Roger Gough
David Brazier
Clare Maynard
Alister Brady
Clare Maynard
David Brazier
Clare Maynard
David Brazier
Harry Rayner
David Brazier
Harry Rayner
David Brazier
Alister Brady
David Brazier
Agenda item :
8 25/00004 - Council Tax Collection Subsidies and Incentives
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Peter Oakford
Dave Shipton
Jeremy Kite, MBE
Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Alister Brady
Roger Gough
Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Alister Brady
Dave Shipton
Alister Brady
Dave Shipton
Mel Dawkins
David Brazier
Rich Lehmann
Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Peter Oakford
Dave Shipton
David Brazier
Rich Lehmann
Peter Oakford
Rich Lehmann
Dave Shipton
Rich Lehmann
Dave Shipton
Harry Rayner
Rich Lehmann
David Brazier
Harry Rayner
Rich Lehmann
Harry Rayner
Rich Lehmann
Alister Brady
David Brazier
Rich Lehmann
Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Jeremy Kite, MBE
David Brazier
David Brazier
Jeremy Kite, MBE
David Brazier
Rich Lehmann
David Brazier
Agenda item :
9 25/00033 - Extension of Domestic Abuse Act Framework and KIDAS contract
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Roger Gough
David Brazier
Tricia Pereira
David Brazier
Sam Spiller
Mel Dawkins
Roger Gough
Sam Spiller
Antony Hook
Tricia Pereira
Rachel Westlake
Paul Cooper
Paul Bartlett
Tricia Pereira
Iona Hunter-Whitehouse
David Brazier
Agenda item :
15 25/00024 - Granting of Formal Lease for a Solar Panel installation within the grounds of St Nicholas' School, Canterbury.
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Antony Hook
Alister Brady
David Brazier
Rebecca Spore
Alister Brady
Harry Rayner
David Brazier
Rebecca Spore
David Brazier
Mel Dawkins
Andrew White
Julianna Munoz
Mel Dawkins
Harry Rayner
David Brazier
Mel Dawkins
Julianna Munoz
David Brazier
Mel Dawkins
Julianna Munoz
Mel Dawkins
Rebecca Spore
Julianna Munoz
David Brazier
Agenda item :
16 25/00025 - Granting of Formal Lease for a Solar Panel installation within the grounds of Brunswick House Primary School, Maidstone
Agenda item :
10 25/00003 - Disposal of land at Stanhope Road, Ashford TN23 5RA.
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Peter Oakford
Rebecca Spore
Rich Lehmann
Paul Stepto
Paul Bartlett
Peter Oakford
Rebecca Spore
Paul Bartlett
Alister Brady
David Brazier
Rebecca Spore
Paul Cooper
Paul Stepto
Rebecca Spore
Paul Stepto
Rebecca Spore
Mark Cheverton
David Brazier
Agenda item :
11 24/00107 - Disposal of land adjacent to Stourmouth Road, Preston CT3 1HP
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Rebecca Spore
David Brazier
Agenda item :
12 25/00026 - Disposal of surplus land at Broomhill Bank school (North), Puddledock Lane and Rowhill Road, Hextable BR8 7RP
Agenda item :
13 25/00013 - Freehold disposal of Former Aylesford CTS Workshops, Landscape Services Depot and Rear of Danepack located at Forstal Road, Maidstone (Herein referred to as Aylesford Depot)
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Alister Brady
David Brazier
Alister Brady
David Brazier
Agenda item :
14 25/00027 - Formal Lease for an Electricity Sub Station within grounds of the former Walmer Science College, Deal - to serve The Beacon and the Southwood Centre, Deal
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Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Agenda item :
17 25/00028 - Construction of new office building at Henwood Highways Depot - Disposal of surplus office building
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Peter Oakford
David Brazier
Rebecca Spore
David Brazier
Rebecca Spore
David Brazier
Agenda item :
18 24/00101 - Contact Centre Procurement
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Dylan Jeffrey
David Brazier
Alister Brady
Dylan Jeffrey
Jason Harris
Pascale Blackburn-Clarke
Trevor Bond
David Brazier
Pascale Blackburn-Clarke
Trevor Bond
David Brazier
Pascale Blackburn-Clarke
Trevor Bond
David Brazier
Agenda item :
19 Work Programme
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Agenda item :
19 Work Programme
Agenda item :
Motion to exclude the press and public for exempt business
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Webcast Finished
- Minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2025, opens in new tab
- Risk Management Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive Departments, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Chief Executive Department and Deputy Chief Executive Department led Corporate Risks - Policy and Resources Committee V2, opens in new tab
- Update from the Contract Management Review Group (CMRG), opens in new tab
- Commercial and Procurement Performance Report - Q2 and Q3, 2024/2025, opens in new tab
- 25-00004 - Council Tax Subsidies and Incentives, opens in new tab
- 25-00004 - Proposed Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- 25-00004 - EqIA, opens in new tab
- 25-00033 - Extension of Domestic Abuse Act Framework and KIDAS contract, opens in new tab
- 25-00033 - PROD, opens in new tab
- 25-00033 - Appendix A - Planned DA Act Framework activity, opens in new tab
- 25-00033 - EQIA Domestic Abuse Framework 2025-27, opens in new tab
- 25-00033 - EQIA Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service, opens in new tab
- 25-00003 - Disposal of land at Stanhope Road, Ashford TN23 5RA, opens in new tab
- 25-00003 - Appendix B - Stanhope Rd, Ashford Site Boundary Plan, opens in new tab
- 25-00003 - Appendix C - PRoD, opens in new tab
- 25-00003 - Appendix D - EQIA, opens in new tab
- 24-00107 - Disposal of land adjacent to Stourmouth Road, Preston CT3 1HP, opens in new tab
- 24-00107 - Appendix B - Site plan for land adjacent to Stourmouth Road Preston, opens in new tab
- 24-00107 - Appendix C - PRoD, opens in new tab
- 24-00107 - Appendix D – EQIA, opens in new tab
- 25-00026 - Disposal of surplus land at Broomhill Bank School (North), Puddledock Lane and Rowhill Road, Hextable, opens in new tab
- 25-00026 - Appendix B - Site plan for disposal of surplus land at Broomhill Bank School (north), opens in new tab
- 25-00026 - Appendix C - PRoD, opens in new tab
- 25-00026 - Appendix D EQIA, opens in new tab
- 25-00013 - Freehold disposal of Former Aylesford CTS Workshops, Landscape Services Depot and Rear of Danepack located at Forstal Road, Maidstone (Herein referred to as Aylesford Depot), opens in new tab
- 25-00013 - Appendix B- Site Plan Aylesford Depot, opens in new tab
- 25-00013 - Appendix C - PRoD, opens in new tab
- 25-00013 - Appendix D- EQIA, opens in new tab
- 25-00027 - Formal Lease for an Electricity Sub Station within grounds of the former Walmer Science College, Deal - to serve The Beacon and the Southwood Centre, Deal, opens in new tab
- 25-00027 - Appendix B - Site Plan - Former Walmer Science College, opens in new tab
- 25-00027 - Appendix C - PROD, opens in new tab
- 25-00027 - Appendix D - EQIA, opens in new tab
- 25-00024 - Granting of Formal Lease for a Solar Panel installation within the grounds of St Nicholas’ School, opens in new tab
- 25-00024 - Appendix A - Site Plan, opens in new tab
- 25-00024 - Appendix B - PRoD, opens in new tab
- 25-00024 - Appendix C - EqIA, opens in new tab
- 25-00025 - Granting of Formal Lease for a Solar Panel installation within the grounds of Brunswick House Primary School, Maidstonel, opens in new tab
- 25-00025 - Appendix A - Site Plan, opens in new tab
- 25-00025 - Appendix B - PRoD, opens in new tab
- 25-00025 - Appendix C - EqIA, opens in new tab
- 25-00028 - Construction of new office building at Henwood Highways Depot - Disposal of surplus office building, opens in new tab
- 25-00028 - Appendix B Henwood Site Plan, opens in new tab
- 25-00028 - Appendix C - PRoD, opens in new tab
- 25-00028 - Appendix D - EQIA, opens in new tab
- 24-00101 - Contact Centre Procurement and Award, opens in new tab
- 24-00101 - Appendix A - PRoD, opens in new tab
- 24-00101 - Appendix B - EqIA, opens in new tab
- 24-00101 - Appendix C - DPIA, opens in new tab
- Work Programme, opens in new tab




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