Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 4 December 2024, 10:00am - Kent County Council Webcasting
Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 4th December 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
A - Committee Business
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Andy Booth
Agenda item :
1 Introduction/Webcast Announcement
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Andy Booth
Agenda item :
2 Apologies and Substitutes
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Hayley Savage
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this Meeting
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Shellina Prendergast
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Mr M Reidy
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
B - Any items called-in
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Agenda item :
C - Any items placed on the agenda by any Member of the Council for discussion
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Agenda item :
1 Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report - September 2024-25
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Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
David Brazier
Peter Oakford
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Dan Watkins
Alister Brady
Dan Watkins
Alister Brady
Dan Watkins
Alister Brady
Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Roger Gough
Alister Brady
Roger Gough
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Dan Watkins
Neil Baker
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Robert Thomas
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Clair Bell
Andy Booth
Robert Thomas
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Neil Baker
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Neil Baker
Andy Booth
Dan Watkins
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
1 Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report - September 2024-25
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Andy Booth
Agenda item :
2 Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26 and MTFP 2025-28
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Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Roger Gough
Dan Watkins
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Robert Thomas
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Tony Hills
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
3 SEND Scrutiny - Quarterly Reporting (2nd report)
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- SEND Quarterly Reporting
- Appendix 1. Voice of the Child Young Person Form with Widgit Symbols updated 9th September
- Appendix 2. Lived Experience Engagement and Employment Framework
- Appendix 3. Voices of children and young people 2024 Final_
- Appendix 4. KCC Engagement with PACT V2
- Appendix 5. PCP UPDATE_22.10.24
- Appendix 6. Review of MCS Training 2023.24- FINAL
- Appendix 7. Final Evaluation- SENCO Conference 2024- Celebrating Inclusion
- Appendix 8. CATIE Annual Report 2023-24
- Appendix 9. PowerBI Snapshots one district
- Appendix 10. AET Progress Report October 2024 (005)
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Christine McInnes
Andy Booth
Christine McInnes
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Andy Booth
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Andy Booth
Christine McInnes
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Rory Love, OBE
Christine McInnes
Rory Love, OBE
Alister Brady
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Christine McInnes
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Christine McInnes
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Christine McInnes
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Christine McInnes
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
4 Scrutiny Review - SEND Transformation
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Antony Hook
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Shellina Prendergast
Andy Booth
Shellina Prendergast
Andy Booth
Paul Barrington-King
Jenni Hawkins
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Mr M Reidy
Andy Booth
Sir Paul Carter, CBE
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Trudy Dean, MBE
Andy Booth
Shellina Prendergast
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Joel Cook
David Brazier
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Christine McInnes
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
5 Kent Flood Risk Management Committee - Annual Report
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Andy Booth
Tony Hills
Andy Booth
Tony Hills
Alister Brady
Jenni Hawkins
Tony Hills
Oliver Richardson
Tony Hills
Andy Booth
Shellina Prendergast
Tony Hills
Trevor Bond
Antony Hook
Tony Hills
Andy Booth
Tony Hills
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
D - To Note
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Agenda item :
1 Work Programme
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Webcast Finished
- Budget Outturn Scrutiny Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report – September 2024-25 Cabinet Report, opens in new tab
- Finance Monitoring Report - September 2024-25, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Key Service Statement, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - Savings, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Prudential Indicators Monitoring, opens in new tab
- Scrutiny Committee Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A, opens in new tab
- Appendix B, opens in new tab
- Appendix C, opens in new tab
- Appendix D, opens in new tab
- Appendix E, opens in new tab
- Appendix F, opens in new tab
- Appendix G, opens in new tab
- SEND Quarterly Reporting, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1. Voice of the Child Young Person Form with Widgit Symbols updated 9th September, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2. Lived Experience Engagement and Employment Framework, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3. Voices of children and young people 2024 Final_, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4. KCC Engagement with PACT V2, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5. PCP UPDATE_22.10.24, opens in new tab
- Appendix 6. Review of MCS Training 2023.24- FINAL, opens in new tab
- Appendix 7. Final Evaluation- SENCO Conference 2024- Celebrating Inclusion, opens in new tab
- Appendix 8. CATIE Annual Report 2023-24, opens in new tab
- Appendix 9. PowerBI Snapshots one district, opens in new tab
- Appendix 10. AET Progress Report October 2024 (005), opens in new tab
- SEND Transformation Review Covering Report, opens in new tab
- SEND Scrutiny REPORT, opens in new tab
- Covering report - KFRMC, opens in new tab
- KRFMC Annual Report, opens in new tab
- Work Programme - Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Work Programme December 2024, opens in new tab







Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat

