Cabinet - Thursday 30 January 2025, 10:00am - Kent County Council Webcasting
Thursday, 30th January 2025 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Roger Gough
Agenda item :
1 Apologies
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th January 2025
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Agenda item :
4 Cabinet Member Updates
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Ben Watts
Roger Gough
Dan Watkins
Roger Gough
Sue Chandler
Roger Gough
Rory Love, OBE
Roger Gough
Neil Baker
Roger Gough
Robert Thomas
Roger Gough
Derek Murphy
Roger Gough
Dylan Jeffrey
Roger Gough
Agenda item :
5 24/00108 - Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report – November 2024-25
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Peter Oakford
Roger Gough
Dan Watkins
Roger Gough
Agenda item :
6 Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26, MTFP 2025-28, Draft Capital Programme 2025-35 and Treasury Management Strategy
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- Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26, MTFP 2025-28, Draft Capital Programme 2025-35 and Treasury Management - Cabinet Report
- Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26 and 2025-28 MTFP and Draft Capital Programme 2025-35
- Appendix A Capital Investment Summary
- Appendix B Capital Investment by Directorate
- Appendix C - Potential Capital Projects
- Appendix D 21.01.25
- Appendix E 21.01.25 incl base adj update
- Appendix F List of Budget Templates
- Appendix G - Reserves Policy
- Appendix H - Assessment of FInancial Resilience
- Appendix I Budget Risk Register 22.01.25
- Appendix J - Government Grants in LGFS
- Appendix K - Economic and Fiscal Context
- Appendix L - Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26
- Appendix M - Investment Strategy
- Appendix N - Capital Strategy
- Appendix O - MRP
- Appendix P - Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy
Peter Oakford
Roger Gough
Robert Thomas
Roger Gough
Neil Baker
Roger Gough
Sue Chandler
Roger Gough
Dylan Jeffrey
Roger Gough
Dan Watkins
Roger Gough
Agenda item :
7 24/00109 - Transfer the 18-25 section of the Strengthening Independence Service from the Children Young People and Education Directorate to the Adult Social Care and Health Directorate
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- 24-00109 - Transfer the 18-25 section of the Strengthening Independence Service - Report
- 24-00109 - Appendix A - PROD
- 24-00109 - Appendix C - DPIA Screening Tool outcome - Transitions
- Item 7 - Supplementary - 24-00109 - Transfer the 18-25 section of the Strengthening Independence Service - Report
- Item 7 - Supplementary - 24-00109 - Appendix B - EqIA Updated Jan 2025
Sue Chandler
Roger Gough
Dan Watkins
Roger Gough
Sarah Hammond
Roger Gough
Mark Albiston
Roger Gough
Agenda item :
8 24/00115 - Kent County Council Integrated Care Strategy (KCC ICS) Delivery Plan
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Anjan Ghosh
Mike Gogarty
Roger Gough
Sue Chandler
Roger Gough
Dan Watkins
Roger Gough
Peter Oakford
Anjan Ghosh
Roger Gough
Rory Love, OBE
Anjan Ghosh
Roger Gough
Rory Love, OBE
Roger Gough
Agenda item :
9 24/00096 - Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent 2025-29
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Rory Love, OBE
Roger Gough
Nick Abrahams
Roger Gough
Dylan Jeffrey
Roger Gough
Sue Chandler
Roger Gough
Nick Abrahams
Roger Gough
Nick Abrahams
Roger Gough
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2025, opens in new tab
- 24-00108 - Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report – November 2024-25, opens in new tab
- 24-00108 - PROD, opens in new tab
- 24-00108 - Finance Monitoring Report - Q3 - November 2024-25, opens in new tab
- 24-00108 - Appendix - NOV 2024-25, opens in new tab
- Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26, MTFP 2025-28, Draft Capital Programme 2025-35 and Treasury Management - Cabinet Report, opens in new tab
- Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26 and 2025-28 MTFP and Draft Capital Programme 2025-35, opens in new tab
- Appendix A Capital Investment Summary, opens in new tab
- Appendix B Capital Investment by Directorate, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Potential Capital Projects, opens in new tab
- Appendix D 21.01.25, opens in new tab
- Appendix E 21.01.25 incl base adj update, opens in new tab
- Appendix F List of Budget Templates, opens in new tab
- Appendix G - Reserves Policy, opens in new tab
- Appendix H - Assessment of FInancial Resilience, opens in new tab
- Appendix I Budget Risk Register 22.01.25, opens in new tab
- Appendix J - Government Grants in LGFS, opens in new tab
- Appendix K - Economic and Fiscal Context, opens in new tab
- Appendix L - Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix M - Investment Strategy, opens in new tab
- Appendix N - Capital Strategy, opens in new tab
- Appendix O - MRP, opens in new tab
- Appendix P - Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy, opens in new tab
- 24-00109 - Transfer the 18-25 section of the Strengthening Independence Service - Report, opens in new tab
- 24-00109 - Appendix A - PROD, opens in new tab
- 24-00109 - Appendix C - DPIA Screening Tool outcome - Transitions, opens in new tab
- Item 7 - Supplementary - 24-00109 - Transfer the 18-25 section of the Strengthening Independence Service - Report, opens in new tab
- Item 7 - Supplementary - 24-00109 - Appendix B - EqIA Updated Jan 2025, opens in new tab
- 24-00115 - Adoption of Integrated Care Strategy delivery plan - Report, opens in new tab
- 24-00115 - PROD, opens in new tab
- 24-00115 - Appendix A - Current Health & wellbeing activity within KCC, opens in new tab
- 24-00115 - Appendix B - KCC ICS priorities measures, opens in new tab
- 24-00115 - EqIA, opens in new tab
- 24-00096 - Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent 2025-29 - Report, opens in new tab
- 24-00096 - Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent 2025-29, opens in new tab
- 24-00096 - EQIA, opens in new tab
- 24-00096 - PRoD, opens in new tab


