Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 29 January 2025, 10:00am - Kent County Council Webcasting
Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 29th January 2025 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Andy Booth
Agenda item :
A - Required Items
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Agenda item :
1 Introduction/Webcast Announcement
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies and Substitutes
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Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this Meeting
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Trudy Dean, MBE
Andy Booth
Lesley Game
Rosalind Binks
Simon Webb
Mike Whiting
Sir Paul Carter, CBE
Jenni Hawkins
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Trudy Dean, MBE
Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the meetings held on 5 November and 4 December 2024
Agenda item :
5 Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26, Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2025-28, Draft Capital Programme 2025-35, and draft Treasury Management Strategy
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- Budget covering report
- Appendix A - Capital Investment Summary
- Appendix B - Capital Investment by Directorate
- Appendix C - Potential Capital Projects
- Appendix D - Summary of Draft Revenue Plans 25-28
- Appendix E - Summary of Draft Revenue Plan by Directorate
- Appendix F - Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26
- Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26, MTFP 2025-28, Draft Capital Programme 2025-35 and Treasury Management - Cabinet Report
- Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26 and 2025-28 MTFP and Draft Capital Programme 2025-35
- Appendix A Capital Investment Summary
- Appendix B Capital Investment by Directorate
- Appendix C - Potential Capital Projects
- Appendix D 21.01.25
- Appendix E 21.01.25 incl base adj update
- Appendix F List of Budget Templates
- Appendix G - Reserves Policy
- Appendix H - Assessment of FInancial Resilience
- Appendix I Budget Risk Register 22.01.25
- Appendix J - Government Grants in LGFS
- Appendix K - Economic and Fiscal Context
- Appendix L - Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26
- Appendix M - Investment Strategy
- Appendix N - Capital Strategy
- Appendix O - MRP
- Appendix P - Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Rosalind Binks
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Roger Gough
Peter Oakford
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
Robert Thomas
Antony Hook
Clair Bell
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andrew Kennedy
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Clair Bell
Antony Hook
Clair Bell
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Rory Love, OBE
Simon Webb
Rory Love, OBE
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
Peter Oakford
Antony Hook
Andy Booth
Neil Baker
Andy Booth
Craig Chapman
Antony Hook
Craig Chapman
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Roger Gough
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Rich Lehmann
Peter Oakford
Dave Shipton
Rich Lehmann
Dave Shipton
Andy Booth
Rich Lehmann
Dave Shipton
Andy Booth
Mike Whiting
Peter Oakford
Sue Chandler
Dave Shipton
Mike Whiting
Dave Shipton
Andy Booth
Neil Baker
Andrew Kennedy
Dylan Jeffrey
Sue Chandler
Robert Thomas
Andy Booth
Harry Rayner
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Clair Bell
Rory Love, OBE
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Mike Whiting
Neil Baker
Andy Booth
Peter Oakford
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
2 25/0002 - English Devolution White Paper - KCC response to Government
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Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Amanda Beer
Andy Booth
Ben Watts
Dylan Jeffrey
Andy Booth
Ben Watts
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Dylan Jeffrey
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Antony Hook
Roger Gough
Rosalind Binks
Roger Gough
Harry Rayner
Andy Booth
Andrew Kennedy
Andy Booth
Jenni Hawkins
Roger Gough
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Rich Lehmann
Andy Booth
Rich Lehmann
Andy Booth
Dylan Jeffrey
Andy Booth
Roger Gough
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
2 25/0002 - English Devolution White Paper - KCC response to Government
Agenda item :
1 Safety Valve Programme
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John Betts
Andy Booth
Sir Paul Carter, CBE
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
John Betts
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Trudy Dean, MBE
Rory Love, OBE
Trudy Dean, MBE
Rory Love, OBE
Trudy Dean, MBE
Rory Love, OBE
Trudy Dean, MBE
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
David Adams
Rory Love, OBE
Craig Chapman
Andy Booth
Craig Chapman
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Craig Chapman
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Craig Chapman
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
6 Executive Response to Scrutiny Evidence Gathering Report
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Rory Love, OBE
Craig Chapman
Andy Booth
Jenni Hawkins
Rory Love, OBE
Jenni Hawkins
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Rory Love, OBE
Sarah Hammond
Craig Chapman
Trevor Bond
Craig Chapman
Andy Booth
David Brazier
Rory Love, OBE
David Adams
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
B - Any items called-in
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the meetings held on 5 November and 4 December 2024
Agenda item :
6 Executive Response to Scrutiny Evidence Gathering Report
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Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Paul Barrington-King
Rory Love, OBE
David Adams
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Robert Thomas
Trudy Dean, MBE
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Derek Murphy
David Adams
Ben Sherreard
Craig Chapman
Ingrid Crisan
Sarah Hammond
Trudy Dean, MBE
Craig Chapman
Andy Booth
David Adams
Dylan Jeffrey
David Adams
Craig Chapman
Sir Paul Carter, CBE
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Sir Paul Carter, CBE
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
1 Call-in of Decision 24/00097 - Special School Review - Phase 1
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Trudy Dean, MBE
Sir Paul Carter, CBE
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Jenni Hawkins
Rory Love, OBE
David Adams
Craig Chapman
Andy Booth
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Andy Booth
Trudy Dean, MBE
Sir Paul Carter, CBE
Andy Booth
Rory Love, OBE
Richard Streatfeild, MBE
Rory Love, OBE
Paul Barrington-King
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Paul Barrington-King
Andy Booth
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
1 Call-in of Decision 24/00097 - Special School Review - Phase 1
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Andy Booth
Agenda item :
3 Update on the approach to improving the accessibility of schools in Kent
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Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
1 Work Programme
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Anna Taylor
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Agenda item :
1 Call-in of Decision 24/00093 - Future of Commissioned Services at Seashells and Millmead Family Hubs
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- 24-00093 - Future of Commissioned Services at Seashells and Millmead Family Hubs
- Call-in reasons 24-00093 Seashells and Millmead
- 24-00093 Decision Report
- 24-00093 Record of Decision
- Appendix 1. Service Offer Comparison
- Appendix 2. Commissioned Family Hub Contracts Consultation Report
- Appendix 3. Draft Responses to Consultation Feedback
- Appendix 4. Commissioned Family Hub Contracts Decision EqIA
Rich Lehmann
Andy Booth
Jackie Meade
Andy Booth
Barry Lewis
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Ingrid Crisan
Andy Booth
Barry Lewis
Ingrid Crisan
Barry Lewis
Ingrid Crisan
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Ingrid Crisan
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Andy Booth
Mike Whiting
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Andy Booth
Jackie Meade
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Rosalind Binks
Alister Brady
Andy Booth
Mike Whiting
Andy Booth
Anna Taylor
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Simon Webb
Andy Booth
Alister Brady
Mike Whiting
Andy Booth
Lesley Game
Jenni Hawkins
Trevor Bond
Andy Booth
Dylan Jeffrey
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Rich Lehmann
Andy Booth
Jackie Meade
Andy Booth
Barry Lewis
Andy Booth
Barry Lewis
Andy Booth
Sue Chandler
Andy Booth
Ben Watts
Andy Booth
Andy Booth
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of meeting 05.11.24, opens in new tab
- Minutes of meeting 04.12.24, opens in new tab
- Budget covering report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Capital Investment Summary, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Capital Investment by Directorate, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Potential Capital Projects, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Summary of Draft Revenue Plans 25-28, opens in new tab
- Appendix E - Summary of Draft Revenue Plan by Directorate, opens in new tab
- Appendix F - Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26, MTFP 2025-28, Draft Capital Programme 2025-35 and Treasury Management - Cabinet Report, opens in new tab
- Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26 and 2025-28 MTFP and Draft Capital Programme 2025-35, opens in new tab
- Appendix A Capital Investment Summary, opens in new tab
- Appendix B Capital Investment by Directorate, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Potential Capital Projects, opens in new tab
- Appendix D 21.01.25, opens in new tab
- Appendix E 21.01.25 incl base adj update, opens in new tab
- Appendix F List of Budget Templates, opens in new tab
- Appendix G - Reserves Policy, opens in new tab
- Appendix H - Assessment of FInancial Resilience, opens in new tab
- Appendix I Budget Risk Register 22.01.25, opens in new tab
- Appendix J - Government Grants in LGFS, opens in new tab
- Appendix K - Economic and Fiscal Context, opens in new tab
- Appendix L - Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix M - Investment Strategy, opens in new tab
- Appendix N - Capital Strategy, opens in new tab
- Appendix O - MRP, opens in new tab
- Appendix P - Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy, opens in new tab
- Executive Response to Scrutiny Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Your Voice Counts, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - You Said We Did Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - PINS Information Sheet, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - SEMH-toolkit, opens in new tab
- Appendix E - SEND Communication Report, opens in new tab
- 24-00097 - Special School Review - Phase 1 Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Call-in request - Special School Review, opens in new tab
- Safety Valve Report, opens in new tab
- 25-00002 - English Devolution White Paper - KCC response to Government Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - 25-00002 - English Devolution Urgent Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - 25-00002 EqIA, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Report to County Council - English Devolution White Paper, opens in new tab
- Update on the approach to improving the accessibility of schools in Kent, opens in new tab
- Appendix A Primary-schools-accessibility-information, opens in new tab
- Appendix B Secondary-schools-accessibility-information, opens in new tab
- Work Programme - Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Work Programme January 2025, opens in new tab
- 24-00093 - Future of Commissioned Services at Seashells and Millmead Family Hubs, opens in new tab
- Call-in reasons 24-00093 Seashells and Millmead, opens in new tab
- 24-00093 Decision Report, opens in new tab
- 24-00093 Record of Decision, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1. Service Offer Comparison, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2. Commissioned Family Hub Contracts Consultation Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3. Draft Responses to Consultation Feedback, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4. Commissioned Family Hub Contracts Decision EqIA, opens in new tab







Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
